Eastern OrthodoxPoetry

Jesus Prayer Rope

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Have mercy on me, the sinner”


Up early in the morning to pray
At the hour we can still half believe
Our dreams and that the sun
Still comes up after the darkness


Like an invalid by the roadside
Almost unable to rise up from bed
We grasp our rope to pull ourselves
Knowing he’s holding the other end


We sit between the Pharisee and
The Publican, trying not to feel
Superior to both of them and
Looking neither to heaven or hell


Gently fingering our soft beads
Like it was the fringe on his robe
Because we just cannot bleed more
And we need his blood to heal us


Let the beads held in our palms
Be nail-heads piercing our flesh
Holding us fast to our crosses
So we can cry, Remember me

Kenneth O'Shaughnessy

Kenneth O'Shaughnessy

A Northerner by upbringing, Kenneth has lived in the South since his (first) college days. After returning to college, he began to do more than just dabble with writing, and has self-published a children's picture book, a middle-reader's book, and several collections of poetry. Baptized in the Roman Catholic church, raised in the fundamentalist Baptist church, and having spent time in the Reformed Baptist church, Kenneth settled down in the Eastern Orthodox church in 2006.

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